Colectica supports defining metadata in multiple languages. This page lets the administrator configure the default order in which text is displayed, in cases where text is defined in multiple languages.
Add a Language¶
To add a language, enter the language code in the text box and click the Add button.
Remove a Language¶
To remove a language, click the Remove button next to the language.
Re-prioritize Languages¶
To re-order the languages, use the mouse to drag one of the languages higher or lower in the list.
Additional Language Settings¶
- Visible Metadata Languages Count
Determines the number of languages that are displayed for metadata content. Any extra languages are hidden, but can be shown in a popup when the user clicks a button next to the content.
- Allow user to expand content when more languages are present
If checked, the user can click a button to see all languages for a piece of metadata content.
- Use user’s browser language as preferred metadata language
If checked, the user’s browser language will be used to determine the first displayed language for metadata content.
- Allow user to configure which metadata languages are displayed
If checked, the user can configure which languages are displayed for metadata content from a dropdown menu on the top navigation bar.
- Automatically determine user interface language based on the user’s browser preferences
If checked, the user’s browser language will be used to determine the user interface language.