Blaise 5ΒΆ
Blaise 5 publication is only available in the Blaise Colectica Questionnaires edition of the application.
Blaise 5 is an advanced data capture system that supports collecting data via telephone, web, mobile devices, and manual entry.
To publish your survey to Blaise 5, click the Blaise 5 button in the Publish area of the ribbon.

The Blaise Generation Options dialog will appear.

- Output Location
Choose the directory where the Blaise code should be generated.
- Combine sequences to generate fewer blocks
Choose whether to create as few Blaise BLOCKs as possible. When this is not checked, one BLOCK will be created for every Sequence.
- Compile code and launch Blaise Data Entry Program
When checked, and if Blaise is installed, the Blaise 5 Instrument Builder launches and compiles your survey, and Data Entry Program will launch after code generation, so you can preview your survey.
After clicking Generate, the Blaise 5 source code is generated.

See also
To learn more about Blaise, visit