
A roster is a series of questions repeated for multiple entities (for example, member of a household).

Roster Properties


A short name used to refer to the roster.


General information about the roster.

Iteration Count

Determines whether the number of members in the roster is always the same, or if it is based on data from the survey.

Iteration Count (fixed)

The number of members in the roster.

Iteration Count (dynamic)

The survey value that indicates the number of members in the roster.

Maximum Iterations

For dynamic rosters, indicates the maximum number of members allowed.

Roster Member Label

For table rosters, used as a row header; for linear rosters, used as heading before each member of the roster.

Display Style

Determines whether the roster questions should be displayed as a table, with one row per roster member; or as a linear list of questions.

Questions within a roster

To edit the questions asked inside a roster, drill into the roster just like you drill into a sequence. Questions and other items can be added inside the roster, just like any other sequence.