Survey Output Names


Each question in a survey generates one or more output values. When a survey is fielded, these values end up in a dataset. The dataset containing the survey data likely has a column of data for each output in the survey.

It may be useful to document the expected column (variable) names of the output dataset. The Outputs tab of the question editors can be used to accomplish this.

Automatic Output Names

Colectica uses automatic names for survey outputs according to the following rules.

  • For basic questions, a variable is created with the same data type as the question’s response type. The variable gets the same name as the question.

  • For multiple choice questions that allow selecting more than one response, one variable is created for each choice. The variable is named {prefix}_{option}. {prefix} is the question name. {suffix} is the choice’s category name, if one is specified; otherwise it is the choices’s code value.

  • For choice grids where the respondent selects one option per row, a variable is created for every row. The variable is named {prefix}_{row}. {prefix} is the question name. {row} is the row’s category name, if one is specified; otherwise it is the row’s code value.

  • For choice grids where the respondent selects multiple values per row, a variable is created for every combination of row + choice. The variable is named {prefix}_{row}_{choice}. {prefix} is the question name. {row} is the row’s category name, if one is specified; otherwise it is the row’s code value. {choice} is the option’s category name, if one is specified; otherwise it is the choice’s code value.

  • For question grids, a variable is created for every combination of row + column. The variable is named {prefix}_{row}_{column}. {prefix} is the question name. {row} is the row’s category name, if one is specified; otherwise it is the row’s code value. {column} is the column’s label with spaces removed, if one is specified; otherwise it is a number indicating the order of the column.

Overriding Output Names

To override the output names for a question:

  1. Open the question’s detail editor.

  2. Go to the Outputs tab. The automatic names for each output are displayed in a table.

  3. Click the Override names button.

  4. The automatic names will be listed in a textbox, one per row.

  5. Change the name of any rows you like. The Final Name column will reflect the overridden name.

Viewing Survey Outputs

To view all outputs for a survey:

  1. Click the Outputs button in the View section of the ribbon.

  2. Click the green refresh button to force the output names to be computed for the entire instrument.

  3. The table will show all survey outputs, with their automatic and overridden names.