Dynamic Text Replacement

Text Replacement

Questions and descriptive text items allow you to specify dynamic text. In order to allow items with dynamic text to be reusable across surveys, each survey item that displays dynamic text must specify the dynamic tokens it uses. Then, the value from a previous question or computation in the survey is set as the input value for that dynamic text token.

To add text replacement tokens in a question or descriptive text item:

  1. On the Text Replacement tab, click the plus button.

  2. Enter an Alias for the token. This is how you will refer to the token in your token in the question text or descriptive item text.

  3. Optionally, enter a Description for your token. This can provide context in the future if the question is reused in another survey.

  4. In the question text or descriptive text field, insert the text token inside double curly braces. For example, to insert a value with the token name of firstName, you might use text like Hello, {{firstName}}, and thank you for taking our survey.

  5. For instructions on connecting a previous value from the survey to the text replacement token, see Parameters.