As of version 5.4.6799, .Net version 4.6.1 or higher is required for all software. As of version 5.5.7138, .Net version 4.7.2 or higher is required for Colectica Portal.
January 24, 2020
Colectica Designer¶
Excel data import: add option to use second row of an Excel data file as variable labels
Improve summary statistic calculation from Excel data; since it doesn’t specify the column types, calculate based on DDI representation type
Code list editor: Drag and drop for re-ordering items
SAS import: read text as UTF-8, so special characters show correctly
Only fall back to system language when no languages are configured
Dataset view: filter variables by displayed text, not text of active metadata language
Data relationship view: show first available text, not text of active metadata language
January 15, 2020
Colectica Portal¶
Persistent baskets, allowing users to save lists of items
http://{item-url}/ddi-set to download a FragmentInstance including all referenced items
Item types can be configured to enable or disable this functionality
Register page: allow a welcome message to be configured
History view: visualize BasedOn references to show item branching
Configuration to determine whether concordance views are sorted ascending or descending
ForwardedHeadersEnabled setting
OAI-PMH updates
Performance improvements
Instrument flowchart: show content from interviewer instruction references in the instrument flowchart
Variable page: show question grids and blocks in instrument context; not just questions
QuestionGrid and QuestionBlock pages: show Related Variables section
Style changes
Smaller font sizes for H1 and H2
Less vertical spacing between tables
Center table cell content vertically
Cache PDFs based on full ID plus version number, not just identifier
Specify the tab order for login page, so pressing Tab goes to the first input field
Maintain all-questions checkbox state after a search
Colectica Designer¶
Visualize BasedOn references in the History view to show item branching
Re-order code lists by code value
Context menu item to insert new codes above or below the selected code
PDF documentation: in frequency tables, group by valid vs missing
Instrument editor: reuse Actions
Search results: check out multiple items at a time
User can choose an active repository to use used for publication, updates, and determining item status
Don’t show deprecated items when navigating relationships in Browse Inside
Allow decimals to be typed in text boxes bound to numeric values (work around change in .NET 4.5)
Navigating from an item back to search results should maintain the search parameters
Show AppearsWithin and History for selected search result
Show code lists in data dictionary when variable frequency statistics are not available
Reordering datasets within a StudyUnit should not remove the dataset
Don’t include a blank paragraph at the top of PDF documents
Search results: correctly determine whether the NextPage button should be enabled
Colectica Model¶
Support GenericOutputFormat on CodeDomain
Support for managed representations
October 12, 2019
Colectica Designer¶
Command to apply detailed variable information to a dataset via a metadata input spreadsheet
Command to sync concept input sheet with ConceptScheme
CodeList command to alphabetize and renumber codes
Option to automatically expand multiple audiences in UI, when they are present
Summary statistic generation no longer loads all data into memory, so large datasets can be handled
Improved SAS missing value handling in statistics calculation
Allow Calculate Summary Statistics on Series or StudyUnit. Calculate for all PhysicalInstances in set.
Calculate frequencies for Code variables, even when they are Text in the data file
Include ControlledVocabulary CustomFields in PDF output
Read SPSS files where case count was set to -1 (Qualtrics)
Colectica Questionnaires¶
Blaise 5 Data Lookup
In-instrument search: look in condition text, statement text, instructions
Drag and drop: only allow dragging cards from a gripper area, not the entire card
Toggle in display logic editor to switch between expression builder vs native code
Allow reusing StatementItems
Save Blaise generation options across sessions
Ensure grid previews are redrawn after drag and drop
Fix: Text replacement -> Token -> Description isn’t saved when clicking Close
Colectica Portal¶
Home page: option to show lists of items, of a specified type, on the home page
Support addins that provide custom PDF reports per item type
Show the Study of a variable in basket PDFs
When more than 20 rows in a frequency table, sort by frequency and ellide it and show a Show More button
Allow client side sorting of frequency table
Instrument page: show PDF tab with embedded PDF viewer when External Instrument is a PDF
Side-by-side code comparison
Show concordance stats grouped by representation, instead of one giant table
Use a DataCollection’s Label as the header when present, instead of “Data Collection”
PDF per data extract (when grouped by an id-family), not per full basket
Don’t show all version of a Series in the search page facet box
Show proper question count on search page facet for the composite all-questions type
Remove the space between the number and the percentage signs in stats tables, to avoid unnecessary wrapping
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2019
Colectica Questionnaires¶
New question types: Choice Grids, Question Grids
Blaise generation for Choice Grids, Question Grids
Set the display style for multiple choice questions
Re-use code lists for multiple choice questions
Other, specify style multiple choice questions
Dynamic text with token replacement
New item type: Note
Comment on items and sequences
Enable branching items in the design surface
Error report list and additional publication checks
Ribbon button to run error checks
Search with search results and click to navigate to
Drag and drop items in the design surface
When a repository is configured, default the languages for an instrument to the languages configured on the repository.
Edit a question’s label and description.
Show multiple response domains from an item in subject selection
Add and remove output parameters when extra domains are added/removed
Rename aliases from multiple response domains
Lookup Blaise fields by out parameter in addition to just by items
Better group naming for other please specify groups
Pass in methods to CodeList editor to allow updating parameters
Show type icon for parameters in Expression editor
Update MaterialDesignThemes
Codelist editor: Button to add a code, instead of requiring Enter
Codelist editor: Make the left side look like a list: gray, with a splitter
In details editors, show how many times a question or sequence is re-used
PDF spec updates for new question properties, QuestionGrids, Rosters
Prompt for confirmation before deleting an item
Don’t allow the same sequence as a sibling
Update out params on questions and grids on additem when they are missing
Updated paper form generation with new question types
Allow other specify with multiple select
Split Blaise 5 publisher into generate Code / generate Code and build
Use name and label for blaise fields for choice and question grids
Don’t allow duplicate codes to be entered
Allow publishers for Questionnaires to use whatever UI they want
Options dialog for Blaise publisher
Double click or Enter to navigate to a search result
Eliminate blocks where sequences can be combined (nested and within a conditional) using ShouldMinimizeBlocks
Generate specific Blaise validation messages with context for error reporting
Include EditChecks (Computation) in specification output
Update error list when publish is run
Show error list when errors are found
Double click or Enter on error list to jump to item
When a question’s name is changed, reflect the new name on the design surface immediately.
In the expression editor, only show a single-line preview
Re-run instrument validation checks after closing the Inputs dialog.
Show correct Alias for ExpressionSubject
Don’t redirect console output when launching InstrumentBuilder.exe
Don’t generate a question’s name to be the same name of a field enumeration it uses
Make sure design surface height uses full window height, even after changing bottom pane visibility
Handle loops with block minimization, respecting skipInParentRules
Colectica Designer¶
New ways to find items within a checkout: Search Inside and Browse Inside
Synchronize ConceptualVariableGroups (and other group types) with a Concept system
French translation
CompareWith command, to compare one item to another
Designer GUI for AuthorizationSource
Bulk ingest command, for importing many data files at once
Synchronize ConceptualVariableGroups (and other group types) with a Concept system
In explore/, use full width of window for concordance table; pop up details in a modal
In explore/, show multiple variables from a single dataset if they measure the same Conceptual Variable
In the navigator, automatically expand tree children when there is only one child
In SPSS import, sort character codes alphabetically
Update code lists when updating a dataset description from a data file
When importing codes, allow mapping to a category description
Calculate frequencies for defined missing values in text variables
Editors for TypeOfSequence
Button to clear search parameters
UI for IsGeographic and IsTemporal
Editor for PhysicalStructureScheme and for PhysicalStructure
Paging for the SearchInside dialog
Treat “.” category label as system missing / NaN
Record string mins and maxes when a metadata flag is set
Don’t show “NaN” in Designer frequency table
Don’t output commas for number with MeasurementUnit == “year”
Don’t collapse the navigator tree after making changes to an unmodified item
Don’t create null or empty tags on items when the user enters no input
Save agency ID when it is changed in the ribbon’s options area
SourceCode editor control needs to span both columns
Colectica Portal¶
French translation
On Variable view, show context within the dataset. Nav links to variables immediately before and after.
Include ProcessingEvents and ProcessingInstructions on ResourcePackage page
Show ProcessingEvents on the StudyUnit page
Show a link to missing values on in a variable’s representation section
Documented permissions required for all REST methods
Addin for custom PDFs on item pages
4 Portal addin types: versionable reports, ItemList reports, versionable HTTP commands, ItemList HTTP commands
Timeline view when all PhysicalInstances have time periods set
Show ExternalAids and OtherInterviewerInstructions for QuestionActivity, ActionACtivity, and StatementActivity
Include RevisionNumber.txt in the deployment directory
For category frequencies in PDFs, only show the number of decimals specified by the NumericRepresentation’s Decimals property
Only use non-deprecated PhysicalInstances in the ConcordanceViewComponent
Sort AppearsWithin items, which are grouped by type, alphabetically
Left align “% of valid” and “% of all”, so they are more prominent
For explore/data, load VariableGroup directly from PhysicalInstance instead of relationship search
ReST API improvements when recieving invalid requests
Mark some request model properties as Required in the swagger spec
Move things from Portal.Exensibility to main Portal and ViewModel projects
In SpssBuilder, assign value labels based on ManagedMissingValues
Show NoDataByDefinition and GridAttachment info in Portal
Populate RepVar and ConVar for statistics view component
Allow explore/ to work for multiple ConceptSchemes
On explore page, when no ConceptScheme is configured, show a list of all ConceptSchemes
Show variable count on the PhysicalInstance page
Nicer link formatting for “Explore dataset” on the PhysicalInstance page
On Basket page and for data downloads, organize Variables by IdFamily, configured in appsettings
Optionally prepend wave information to variables to make wide datasets
Make the SubGroup page match the Group page. Linear information display instead of tabs.
Link to PhysicalInstance and Variable pages from the header in the CodeComparison
Linear display instead of tabs for PhysicalInstance page
Case insensitive matching for code comparison tables
Add more variable information to PDFs
In PDFs, trim text within table cells to prevent overflow
When writing data extracts to CSV and SPSS, write string data correctly.
When writing PDFs for baskets, correctly handle multiple variables from different datasets that have the same name.
Obey result ordering in search.
When indexing multiple data files that do not have a case identifier specified, use a global counter instead of a per-file counter, to avoid merging unrelated cases.
For concordance, find column order based on sub-series, not just series
Don’t show “(0)” in search facets when not using Elasticsearch
Use Repository search, not Elasticsearch, for determining set roots on the Search page
When anonymous access is disables, Don’t redirect to login on when calling the openid callback prior to authentication.
Ensure that categories are populated on the ManagedMissingValuesRepresentation page
Show variable and question lists in explore/ even if elastic is not in use
Lineage: don’t show this when there is only one thing in it (self)
Correctly set PDF margins
Colectica Repository¶
Search within set for PostgreSQL
Get collections of comments
Oracle and PostgreSQL search code paths are now seperated
Ship the Config.dist
Don’t include deprecated items in latest item counts
Add Npgsql to workflow service and installer, with appropriate dependencies
Colectica SDK¶
New task based calls for WCF
Use MarkDig for markdown
Have IOutputBuilder also return byte[]
Generation type properties for category
3.2 extensions for Name, Label, and Description on PhysicalStructure
Serialization for AttachmentLocation-> DomainSpecificValue (attachmentDomain, Value)
read and write for NoDataByDefinition and its CellCoordinatesAsDefined
Support audiences in dynamic text serializer
DDI 2.5 generation and use of ddiLifecycleUrn attributes
Add DDI 2.5 xml schemaset to ddi model validation
Add AuthorizationSource to study unit and group
Add RecommendedDataType and GenericOutputFormat to response domains
Move difference detection from Core to Commands and Model
Added list of DublinCore.Identifiers
Added ExternalAid and InterviewerInstructionReference to control constructs
Serialize the CollectionEvent CodeValue properties even if they only have content in the properties that are stored as attributes
Only include populated items in item list from DDIReader
Update quality standard serialization
Audience updates
read first text node only when no additional mixed content
read mixed content with starting text node
read mixed content with starting element
fallback to Text xml:lang when audienceLanguage is not set
strip xhtml namespaces and prefixes to make imported xhtml text look like html5
audience parsing refactoring
change DDI version to version 2.5
change all DDI 2 elements to ddi:codebook:2_5 namespace
Allow SetPopulator to use GetLatestSet
More types in accept types on groups/study