Configure Workflow Website

  1. Rename the appsettings.json.dist configuration file to appsettings.json.

  2. In the appsettings.json, update the workflow database connection string to the colectica_workflow database that was created.

    SQL Server

    "ColecticaWorkflow": {
      "ConnectionString": "Server=.; Initial Catalog=colectica_workflow; Integrated Security=SSPI;",
      "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient"


    "ColecticaWorkflow": {
      "ConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Database=colectica_workflow;Username=postgres;Password=password;",
      "ProviderName": "Npgsql"
  3. Configure Colectica Repositories

    1. For each Repository that is being used with the Workflow, add a entry into the Workflow:Repositories collection in the appsettings.json file.

    2. Configure Repository information

      1. Choose a unique Name for the Repository. an Alphanumeric name without spaces or punctuation is recommended.

      2. Add a Label for the Repository. This should be an informative name that will be displayed to users.

      3. Add the Uri to the Repository+Portal. This should be the hostname that you access the Repository’s Portal.

      4. Update the ConnectionString and ProviderName to point to the Repository’s database.

      5. If the Repository accepts replications into itself, include the replication source Repository’s Name in the Sources list.

      6. If the Repository can replicate to another Repository, include the replication target Repository’s Name in the Target list.

      7. Each configured Repository shares an API key with the Workflow system. Update the ApiKey to be the same key specified in the Repository+Portal’s configuration file.

  4. If using a preview Portal, enter the URI of the preview Portal in the PortalPreviewUri.

  5. If using a Colectica Portal for workflow preview, add the URL to the base of the Preview Portal installation to the PortalPreviewUri field.

  6. As a ColecticaAdmin user in the authentication system, open the workflow web site admin area and configure email server information.

    If the SMTP username and password is left blank, default credentials (Active Directory) will be used.

  7. If you are using Window Authentication, see the See Configure Windows Authentication for details.