Configure Workflow Website

  1. Update database connection strings

    1. This file is located in the Config directory, named Workflow.ConnectionStrings.<databaseType>.config

    2. Create a connection string for each Colectica Repository that should be accessible by the system.

    1. Use the convention hostname:port to name the connection strings that point to ‘source’ Colectica databases.

    2. Use a friendly name for connection strings to the ‘target’ Colectica databases.

  2. In the web.config, include the appropriate database connection string config file:

    <connectionStrings configSource="Config\Workflow.ConnectionStrings.SqlServer.config" />
  3. In the web.config, Add the connection string names that are targets for publication to the TargetConnectionStringNames setting list:

    <setting name="TargetConnectionStringNames" serializeAs="Xml">
        <ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi=
  4. In the web.config, add the connection string names that are sources for publication to the SourceConnectionStringNames` setting list. These are named in the form of hostname:port.

    <setting name="SourceConnectionStringNames" serializeAs="Xml">
        <ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi=
  5. If using a Colectica Portal for workflow preview, add the URL to the base of the Preview Portal installation:

    <setting name="PortalPreviewUri" serializeAs="String">
  6. In the Config Directory, edit the Repository.Settings.config to configure Colectica Administrators for the Workflow Website.

    Add groups names that should have access to the Workflow Admin area and the ability to Designate Assigners.

  7. As a ColecticaAdmin user, open the workflow web site admin area and configure email server information.

    If the SMTP username and password is left blank, default credentials (Active Directory) will be used.