
To edit a survey question, click the Edit button on the item’s design surface card.


Basic Properties

All questions types contain three basic properties.


A short name used to refer to the question in display logic or in the output data.


The question text.


Instructions for the interviewer or respondent.



A questions’s label is used instead of the question text when showing the question in a table (for example, when used inside a Roster that is displayed as a table).


General information about the question.

Additional Metadata

Additional fields may appear in this area. See Custom Fields for more information.

Multiple Choice Properties

Selection Style

Indicates whether the respondent will select a single response or multiple responses.

Display Layout

Indicates how the choices should visually be presented. Options are vertical, horizontal, dropdown, Likert, and push buttons.


The choices from which the respondent will choose. To add choices, use either the Use an existing code list or Create a new code list button.


If one of the choices should allow the respondent to enter additional text information (“other, specify”) select the choice from the Other dropdown.

Text Entry Properties

Maximum Length

The longest response text allowed to be entered.

Numeric Entry Properties

Number Type

Integer indicates only whole numbers are allowed; Decimal indicates numbers with decimal places are allowed.


The lowest number allowed.


The highest number allowed.

Decimal Places

The number of digits allowed after a decimal.

Date Properties

No extra properties are currently available for date questions.

Time Properties

No extra properties are currently available for time questions.

Question Attributes

The QuestionAttributes tab allows you to edit additional properties about a question.

Override Instrument Attributes

Indicates whether survey-level settings should be overridden for this question. See Survey Properties for details.

Allow Empty

Indicates that the respondent is allowed to skip the question.

Allow Don’t Know

Indicates that the respondent is allowed to respond that they do not know the how to respond.

Allow Refused

Indicates that the respondent is allowed to refuse to answer.