Synchronize with Concept System

Concept systems are represented in Colectica using Concept Schemes. To organize groups of items according to a concept system, you can create a group of the appropriate type and then synchronize it with a ConceptScheme.

The “Synchronize with Concept System” command allows you to organize groups of items within Colectica Designer based on a specific concept scheme. By synchronizing a group with a concept scheme, the software automatically creates child groups corresponding to the concepts defined in the scheme.

Many types of groups can be synchronized, including VariableGroups, QuestionGroups, and ConceptualVariableGroups.

  1. Navigate to the desired group you want to synchronize with a concept scheme.

  2. Locate and click on the Synchronize with Concept System button.

  3. A dialog box will appear, prompting you to select the ConceptScheme to synchronize with.

  4. Choose the desired concept scheme from the available options and click OK to proceed.

  5. Colectica Designer will automatically create child groups within the selected group, corresponding to the concepts defined in the chosen ConceptScheme.

  6. You can now populate the child groups with relevant items or data that align with the corresponding concepts.

Additional Notes:

  • If a ConceptScheme undergoes changes or updates, you can re-synchronize the group to reflect the modifications in the hierarchy of child groups.

  • The “Synchronize with Concept System” command simplifies the process of aligning your data documentation with established concept systems, enhancing the overall clarity and structure of your documentation.