Deploy the Curation Web Application

Step 1. DNS

  1. Create a DNS record for the hostname you would like to use to access the Curator web application.

Step 2. SSL

  1. Create an SSL certificate for the hostname you would like to use to access the Curator web application.

Step 3. Deploy Site Binaries

  1. Extract the ColecticaCurationWeb/ directory to a location where IIS can access it.

  2. Ensure the service account running the application pool has read access to the ColecticaCurationWeb/ directory

  3. Ensure the service account running the application pool has read and write access to the ColecticaCurationWeb/App_Data directory.

Step 4. IIS Configuration

Create a site for Curator web application.

  1. In IIS, choose your machine and select Add Website

    Site name


    Physical path

    The location where you extracted the ColecticaCurationWeb/ directory



    Host name

    Your desired hostname

    SSL certificate

    Choose the appropriate SSL certificate for the site

  2. In the newly created Application Pool for the application:
    1. Make sure the .NET Framework Version is set to 4.0. To edit the framework version, right click the pool and choose Basic Settings.

    2. Make sure the user is set to the proper service account that has the correct disk and database permissions. To edit the service account, right click the pool and choose Advanced Settings.

  3. Right click the new web site and choose Edit Bindings
    1. Add an http binding with the appropriate host name.


      The HTTP site will automatically redirect to to the HTTPS site.

Step 5. Curator Web Application Config Files

Update database connection strings.

  1. Go to the main deployment directory.

  2. If there is not a file named Web.config, rename Web.config.dist to Web.config.

  3. If there is not a file named ConnectionStrings.config, rename ConnectionStrings.config.dist to ConnectionStrings.config.

  4. Update the connection string named ColecticaRepository for the Colectica Repository database, which should be accessible by the web application.

  5. Update the connection string named DefaultConnection for the Curator database, which must be accessible by the web application.

Step 6. Test the Web Application

  1. Using a web browser, visit the web site at the hostname you configured.

  2. Before configuring the web application, continue with the following instructions to install the Curation Service and Clam Antivirus.