

February 14th, 2023


  • Added missing dependancy to the Reader installer

  • Added missing dependancy to the Questionnaires installer


December 20th, 2022

Colectica Repository and Portal


  • New search facet: tag

  • Feature flag: ItemReferenceValidation on repository transaction commit

  • Example Dockerfile for the linux elastic indexer

  • Portal: Dropdown menu for user to set a UI language

  • en-CA user interface language option

  • Synchronize openid roles and internal roles on login and jwt auth

  • Allow Portal addins/parts to override the view for an item type

  • feature flag for user defined version responsibility

  • View for classification levels

  • Text rendering addin for Portal, to modify text before it is displayed

  • Delete items from the repository

  • Paging via specifying next result for postgresql

  • Add search by item tag to Repository search facet in postgresql


  • Portal: Include static content as part of application parts/addins

  • Delete execution speed up

  • rel=”noopener noreferrer” to all target=”_blank”

  • https and strict cookies

  • Upgrade moment.js, jquery-ui.js, bootstrap

  • Admin option to include additional Javascript files

  • Upgrade to .NET 6

  • Improve multiple metadata language display and fallbacks

  • Don’t include deprecated RepresentedVariables or instance Variables in concordance tree

  • Ensure all cached files are prefixed with portal version folder

  • support client secret authentication with AzureAD

  • support client certificate authentication with AzureAD

  • configuration for size limits and excluded items in elastic indexer

  • index response options in question in elastic

  • index deprecated status in elastic

  • allow config file on command line for Elasticindexer

  • log dropped documents from Elastic bulk endpoint

  • EnableApiVersioningHeader flag to turn on api versioning for Elastic server 8.x support in Portal and Indexer

  • Ensure content from controlled vocabularies is indexed in Elastic (add subjects_cv and keywords_cv to results)

  • Store classification code value in text index and elastic index

  • ConceptScheme page: show concept name when label is not present

  • Add <a name=””> for DataCollection section of study pages

  • Portal: QualityStatement page links to the specified QualityStandard

  • Portal: QualityStandard page links to ConceptSet and OtherMaterial

  • Localization priority: user-set cookie, then HTTP header

  • On question group page, show a table of questions with type, and question text

  • On question group page, show a table of groups with name and label

  • In search results, prefer the Label instead of the ItemName for the result card header.

  • When no CV is specified, look up country codes by 2 or 3 letter code. If found, show the country name.

  • Add data protection keys to portal db

  • Nicer concordance view when no statistics are present

  • speed up linear classification view

  • show invalid classification item badge for top level items

  • use localization for top level classification item badges

  • exit indexer if index creation fails

  • Search page re-design

  • Allow building up the home page using configurable blocks, instead of the SiteInformation settings

  • update cart icons on Portal

  • allow search breadcrumbs to be optional

  • Improved styles for item page tabs in the main content area

  • Move sidebar content to main page tabs

  • allow class attribute in site admin html

  • Show TextDomain Label

  • Show Best text instead of MLS type name in breadcrumbs with one item

  • Cache repository statistics: invalidate on rowid increase, local deprecation, and local deletions

  • Add DdiTextType for custom fields

  • Switch postgresql search to only order by most recently added item, Do not count total results in paged queries in postgresql

  • Allow skipping textual descriptions and tags with new ReturnIdentifiersOnly facet in postgresql

  • Extra class for the main content wrapper

  • Upgrade to SPSS IO Module version 27

  • For SPSS, properly load linux lin64 libraries and dependencies

  • Feature flag to enable item deletion in the Repository

  • set multilingualstring and default thread cultures at startup based on appsettings settings

  • show multilingual headers in the search result cards

  • upgrade oai-pmh.xsl to latest bootstrap version

  • update Oai to DDI 3.3

  • speed up Identify Oai queries for Earliest Registered Date

  • Search page facet to search within StudyUnits (configurable)


  • Accessibility: ARIA labels for home page and search page

  • Ensure links to search page work correctly when the user interface is in a lanuage other than English

  • Gather all classification items fixes, search child map based on current item and not parent

  • Retry failed database connections

  • Include Creators, Publishers, Contributors in JSON output

  • Populate source and target items in ClassificationCorrespondenceTable maps, so they are displayed correctly

  • Localization for column headers on dataset page

  • Fix MultilingualString appearance and behavior when used in a hyperlink

  • Fix allow loading images for pfd generation in pdfsharpcore

  • Explore view: when a Conceptual Variable Group has not items, but it’s child groups do, show those items in the concordance table again

  • Fix more MLS type names showing in Portal, Fix styles for multilingual strings within hyperlinks

  • Fix Portal page for PhysicalInstances without any DataRelationships

  • Fix single item search page when a non-English UI language is selected

  • Fix UI language checkbox behavior

  • upgrade moment.js

  • handle empty repository database in ResetItemsToInitialStateAsync

  • For classifications, don’t put MultilingualString controls inside a hyperlink

  • Don’t auto-expand children when navigating a hierarchical classification

  • Respect user-selected languages for new content after expanding classification items

Colectica Designer


  • Parquet data file import, calculate summary statistics from parquet files

  • Allow choosing French (Canada) as a Designer UI language

  • Designer view for QualityStandards inside Quality(Statement)Scheme

  • Read multiple languages from Stata .dta file labels and value labels on import

  • UI/reporting support for Boolean custom fields

  • OpenIDConnect PKCE implementation for desktop applications

  • Designer commands to create and apply statistics sheets

  • Allow per user install without Administrator


  • Allow non-adminstrators to install in their home directory

  • Search: limit by tag

  • Metadata input sheets: allow specifying multiple languages for custom fields

  • In Designer search, add a column to show deprecated status

  • In Set Source Instrument command, match question grids and assign as the source

  • Make some less frequently used ribbon buttons small or in dropdowns

  • Show code lists of question grid code domains in generated documentation

  • PhysicalInstance from Instrument command includes Nominal, Ranking, and Distribution question types

  • When calculating summary statistics, match variables by name instead of column index. Report columns that do not have a matching variable

  • Blaise ingest support improvements
    • DATAMODEL descriptions

    • MODEs, and mode-specific question text


    • CONST

    • GROUP

    • support TEMPLATE in GROUP definition

    • support MASTERPAGE in LAYOUT


  • Documentation generation: support for the same languages as the user interface (English, French)

  • Documentation genreation: Checkboxes for each configured metadata language, and generate one document per selected language

  • Add items to quality statements when implementing a standard that uses Definitions instead of ConceptScheme

  • Quality Standard report: Include concept information

  • Quality Standard report: include information about ComplianceDefinitions/Concepts

  • Trim code values in SPSS import

  • Metadata import sheets
    • allow importing universe labels

    • apply metadata import sheets to variable groups and variable schemes, not just physical instances

    • support multiple languages for Label, Description, QuestionText, Codes, MissingValues

    • Use column named Name:ignoreCase to match names case insensitively

    • Allow specifying the concept name in concept import sheets

  • Major performance improvements when calculating summary statistics

  • add more ignores to robots.txt

  • Show the input controls for the Series Information in the Studies tab of the SubGroup editor

  • update AvalonEdit, AutoFixture

  • Remove RTF option from documentation dialog

  • allow removal of parent reference in classification item editor

  • mark prepare request virtual in rest client

  • assign DDI identifiers from SKOS import when a ddi urn is in the dc terms identifier


  • Summary statistics export: when stats are weighted, include the correct frequency

  • Add country code in coverage; only one letter shows in listbox

  • Series -> Studies -> Series information dropdowns, relationships among study waves not visible

  • Arrow in code lists is cropped

  • FillQualityInformation command should be DDI version agnostic, not tied to version 3.2

  • Serialize the QualityStatement RelatedOtherMaterialReference in DDI 3.3

  • Don’t create a new OtherMaterial every time a QualityStatement is instantiated

  • When populating a QualityStatement from a QualityStandard, assign the QualityStandard as a reference

  • Make textboxes respect culture for decimal separators etc

  • fix: don’t auto expand to infinity when classifications reference each other

  • DDI 2 importer fixes
    • Support for additional DDI 2 elements

    • No docDscr is okay

    • Variables don’t always have a fileID

    • Fix: DDI 2 collDate with missing sources

    • Map depositr and its @role and @affiliation attributes to a Citation/Contributor

    • Read anlyInfo element, which includes response rate information, from the correct parent (method, not dataColl)

    • Don’t map DDI 2 content to UserAttributes, since those are not displayed on Portal. Use CustomFields instead.

    • ignore DtdProcessing in ddi reader, to load very old DDI2

  • Make sure things in the “…” tab of the StudyUnit view display

  • Set @isWeighted for weighted frequency

  • Text wrapping for the label in the options dialog

  • Never use set search for finding items in the navigator

  • Propagate changes from nested code lists to allow auto saving hierarchical lists

Colectica Questionnaires


  • Multiple choice question grids

  • Handle QuestionGrids in the dataset-from-instrument command

  • View all survey outputs, to see what the resulting dataset may look like


  • Show a progress indicator when synchronizing

  • Allow overriding output names

  • Add RepresentedVariables to QuestionGrid. Serialize RepresentedVariables as real DDI in v3.3


  • Add readonly indicator to items when the code list is out of date

Colectica Workflow


  • Diff Review for the workflow website

  • Localization for Workflow Website


  • Allow submitting an email address with replication requests from Designer

  • Allow adding comments when approving or denying a request

  • If a RequesterEmail is available, send a notification upon Approve or Deny


  • In workflow website, upgrade libman to fix cdnjs api deprecations