

As of version 6.0, .Net version 4.7.2 or higher is required for all software.


June 16th, 2020


  • DDI 3.3 support

    • Classifications

    • QualityStandards

    • Measurements

    • Individuals

    • UnitType

    • OtherMaterials

  • Hundreds of improvements

Colectica Portal


  • New views for DDI 3.3 content

  • Local JWT tokens for Portal web api, for organizations without OpenId Connect

  • Switch between Windows Authentication and JWT Bearer schemes via policy for API authorization

  • Allow setting GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint in OpenID config

  • Support harmonization groups in explore view

  • Display metadata in multiple languages in classification area, and allow user to toggle languages on and off

  • Nicer Portal and PDF output for coverage information on PhysicalInstances, other items

  • Assign IDs to the wrappers around custom fields, to enable more CSS customization

  • By default, Search Inside for more item types (series, studies, datasets, instruments, classifications)

  • Configure an item to have its content displayed on the home page

  • Configure a concept scheme to display on the home page

  • Basket DDI export: include all items in combined set

  • Show a banner to indicate a deprecated item

  • Structured logging for Portal user events

  • Log all API event calls with Serilog, enable log to Elasticsearch stack

  • Configurable external dashboard URL for reporting

  • Sample kibana dashboard configuration

  • Controller action for getting DDI 3.3 fragment

  • show multiple audiences when present


  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch and NEST 7.6.1

  • Instrument flowchart

    • show the value of ItemTag and Number custom fields

    • Collapse roster nodes by default, and show a better image

    • show ResponseDomain Labels for CodeDomains, when present

    • for edit checks, show name, label, and description

  • Explore updates

    • Nested/spanned column headers for Group/StudyUnit/PhysInst structure

    • Show comparability notes

    • More contrast for alternating row sets, and for background vs link text

  • Make migration work with both Npgsql and SQL server

  • Only show “Variable is a weight” on variable pages, not question pages too

  • Show UserIDs on PhysicalInstance page

  • For breadcrumbs, sort items of the same type by their distance from the current item, instead of alphabetically

  • Configurable messages for search and basket pages

  • Nested column headers in concordance view component

  • Show classic code comparison in concordance view component

  • Show LogicalRecords and Variables directly on the PhysicalInstance page, instead of requiring a click to the DataRelationship page

    • Show a table of variables with type, name, and label

  • ID for basket details card, to enable CSS styling

  • Include basket citation details in the basket PDF

  • Basket PDF: show AppearsWithin items for members (series, study, dataset/instrument, groups)

  • Remove databased-backed dashboard widgets and reports

  • Allow not specifying SMTP username and password; allow anonymous credentials when neither is set

  • Move DiskCachePath and Smtp settings out of SiteInformation and into appsettings.json

  • Ensure required settings are configured before FirstRun

  • When an admin creates a user, mark the email as confirmed, and send a welcome email with a password reset link

  • Set tabindex for more pages with input fields for accessibility

  • When grabbing labels for frequency display, trim whitespace before comparing code list labels

  • Show ProcessingEvent links on StudyUnit page

  • Concordance table: align columns correctly

  • Don’t show concordance for ConVarGroup unless it is a HarmonizationGroup

  • use server time not UTC in Portal history view


  • Better PDF cache controls

  • improved error handling when gathering items for variable statistics display

  • Only show “Related Variables” header when there are some related variables

  • Properly check whether a list of Groups is configured for the Explore view

  • AnyCPU and Prefer32bit false for CacheBuilder

  • Log SMTP sending errors

  • Proper order of properties on SubGroup page

  • Only treat ClassificationItem.IsValid as meaningful when the StatisticalClassification has UpdatesAllowed

  • Show correct custom message on Search page

  • For home page item lists, show multilingual text labels/names when present

  • Fix user-controlled language toggle handling

Colectica Repository


For version 6.0, a database schema update script is included. Please see details in Windows Upgrade Guide


  • DDI 3.3 support

  • Add postgresql support to Colectica Workflow Services

  • Add API for creation, updating, canceling, and committing Repository transactions

  • Repository based transactions options

    • Copy Commit
      • Register the items in the transaction without any updates or propagation

    • Commit As Latest
      • Register the items submitted as the latest versions, adjust version numbers, update references to child submitted items within submitted items.

    • Commit As Latest With Latest Children
      • Register the items submitted as the latest versions, adjust version numbers, update references to child submitted items within submitted items.

      • Update child references to the latest version of the child in the Repository or being committed.

    • Commit As Latest And Propagate Versions
      • Register the items as the latest versions in the Repository, updating the item version if needed.

      • Update latest parent items to point to the latest items committed, or the latest updated parents (propagate versions).

      • Propagation is performed within the sets specified, or across the whole repository if no set is specified.

    • Commit As Latest With Latest Children And PropagateVersions
      • Register the items as the latest versions in the Repository, updating the item version if needed.

      • Update child references to the latest version of the child in the Repository or being committed.

      • Update latest parent items to point to the latest items committed, or the latest updated parents (propagate versions).

      • Propagation is performed within the sets specified, or across the whole repository if no set is specified.

  • Perform transaction version propogation within a defined set wuth any transaction propagation types

  • GetItemStream now used from streaming DDI

  • Support for Postgresql less than version 10 remains

    • Read the comments in the db scripts to swith the script to support version 9 or less


  • Updated database schemas to better support gigantic databases with large histories

    • colocate most recently added items togather to reduce page table reads

  • New error messages for IdentityValidator configuration warnings

  • Longer SQL command timeouts for slow dbs

  • use TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled in TransactionScopes, requires .net version upgrade

  • All db scripts are UTF8 now instead of UTF16


  • When indexing DDI 3.1 or 3.2, do not store child relations for 3.3 OtherMaterials

Colectica SDK


  • DDI 3.3 support

  • Bundle official 3.3 schemas

  • HTML output for reports

  • New models for Classifications, QualityStandards, Individuals, UnitType, Measurements

  • Referencing of new models throughout existing item types

  • Use 3.3 scope for audiences

  • Add Number as a CustomField value type

  • Accessibility Mode option for documentation generation. Determines whether to use extra headers above, shaded headers, etc

  • Include CodeList and Category CustomFields in instrument specs

  • Include Computations in instrument specs


  • Update to .net 4.7.2

  • Default to 3.3 serialization

  • json.net v12 in nuget sdk

  • Replace log4net with Serilog

  • OtherMaterial is now a versionable item

  • Common Agent base for Organization and Individuals

  • PopulatedEmbededFromParent to mark OtherMaterials that are populated as a non-versionable in older DDI versions

  • Sort SubGroup item type between Group and StudyUnit

  • In reports, when an OtherMaterial has no title, show the URL instead in the PDF

  • Set PDF document ShowDocTitle and primary language, for accessibility

  • Summary stats are written as xs:doubles in 33, still read from both decimals or doubles


  • pick out multi-audience div when it is surrounded by pretty printed mixed content (INSEE)

  • generating documentation for CodeDomains without CodeLists

  • Don’t include both category name and category label when output code list info for variables CSVs

  • Fix error when importing DDI 2 with othrStdyMat/othRefs

  • Fix output count report in cli importer

Colectica Designer


  • Views for Classifications

  • Documentation in HTML output

  • Upgrade OtherMaterials to 3.3 upon saving a parent item

  • Generate 3.3 command for Designer

  • Allow importing DDI 3.3 in Designer

  • Use matrix and set ops for updating all items to latest for insure latest children command

  • Instrument documentation updates

    • If a QuestionConstruct has a label but the QuestionItem does not, use the QuestionConstruct’s label

    • Show IfElse label in the conditional banner, in addition to the condition source code

    • Show information multiple response domains when they are present

    • Show actions even if they are not explicit Edit Checks or Computations

    • Fix info table widths

  • In Blaise File Open box, also look for *.blax

  • One command to duplicate items and allow the user to choose the branching behavior

  • Command to convert 3.2 Copenhagen Mapping-style ClassificationFamilies or StatisticalClassifications to DDI 3.3 items


  • Concordance ingest updates

    • Search in nested series for data files

    • Properly handle conceptual variables in multiple topics

  • Update controls used to edit OtherMaterials

  • Default to 3.3 serialization

  • skip missing strings in text statistics freq computation

  • Map response domain type and code list when importing questions in delimited import

  • Designer Question editor: show Label and Description fields


  • Generate Source Code command:

    • work when a PhysicalInstance has no FileIdentifications

    • populate categories so value labels can be written

  • Set CaseQuantity in ExcelImporter

  • In reports, don’t show “Source Variables” header with nothing underneath it

  • Fix re-ordering Variables in LogicalRecords

  • Don’t add duplicate PhysicalInstances to StudyUnit with some UI methods

  • Blaise 5 parsing fixes

    • support // line comments

    • support SPECAIALANSWERS, arbitrarily defined attributes



    • Strings in USES are optional

    • Allow some keywords to be used as identifiers in some areas

    • handle x.search before ASK, otherwise it’s never detected

Colectica Questionnaires and Blaise Colectica Questionnaires


  • Export 3.3 from Questionnaires

  • Add Metadata section and Custom Fields to Edit Check editor

  • Include CodeList and Category CustomFields in instrument specs

  • Include Computations in instrument specs

  • Create HTML specifications

  • Generate a PDF and an HTML document for each defined survey language


  • Default to 3.3 serialization

  • Instrument documentation updates

    • If a QuestionConstruct has a label but the QuestionItem does not, use the QuestionConstruct’s label

    • Show IfElse label in the conditional banner, in addition to the condition source code

    • Show information multiple response domains when they are present

    • Show actions even if they are not explicit Edit Checks or Computations

    • Fix info table widths